What is drycleaning?
Please understand that drycleaning is not dry, in the sense that there is liquid involved. What makes it 'dry' is the fact that the liquid contains no water. That's right, we clean your clothes in a liquid solution that contains additives, optical brighteners, soil suspenders, basic drycleaning liquid and other supplements, but has none of the properties of water.
Water can also disturb or dissolve fabric finishes, top dyes, sizings and other fabric treatments. In addition, water can cause some fabrics and fibers to shrink, swell or distort, or it can damage some linings and interfacings. On the other hand, drycleaning solutions can clean those same garments without those risks or problems.
The difference in the way water and drycleaning liquid impact on various textiles is one of the reasons garment manufacturers recommend drycleaning for so many of your fine garments. They know that professional cleaning is the best way to remove the soil and stains that can abrade and erode fine fabrics, without endangering the hand, texture, colors or linings.
What is wetcleaning?
Professional wetcleaning is different from home laundry. It is true that wetcleaning and washing both use water, but after that the two processes do not have much in common.
In and of itself, water poses many risks to textiles, dyes, finishes and fibers. Water can cause some fibers to swell and distort. Water can cause dyes to bleed. Water can disturb finishes and cause the fabric to lose body. You've experienced all these things when you've laundered or hand washed things yourself. And the cumulative effect of repeated washing on many of your washable clothes is readily apparent to the naked eye.
On the other hand, professional wetcleaning employs 21st century scientific advances in water treatments and specialized processing equipment that stabilizes many dyes, restores finishes and protects most fibers from the adverse reactions that historically stemmed from exposure to moisture. In fact, wetcleaning technology has evolved to the point that it is difficult for anyone to recognize whether a garment had been professionally wet or drycleaned.
That's the simple story on professional wetcleaning, and why it is different from laundering. As trained professionals we take great pride in our ability to select the right process for your garment - that's what makes us different and sets us miles apart from your average cleaner
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